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Frequently Asked Questions About Steelroads.

How do I create an account?

  1. Access www.steelroads.com
  2. Select "Become a Member"
  3. Read the privacy policy and select "Accept"
  4. Enter required registration information
  5. Select "Continue"
  6. Select and answer personal question and answer additional registration questions
  7. Select "Done"

How do I request sponsorship for Track and Trace?

  1. Log into your account
  2. Select "Services" from the top toolbar
  3. Select "Request Access to a website Application"
  4. Select "Request Access to Equipment tracking -- Sponsored and Railroads users only" for Track and Trace
  5. Choose a railroad for sponsorship, or search for a railroad by location
  6. Select "Submit request"

Forgot your password?

  1. Navigate to the Steelroads homepage
  2. Enter user name in the login window
  3. Select "Forgot Password?"
  4. Validate user profile information with mandatory fields (telephone, e-mail address, personal question)
  5. Select "Continue"
  6. Confirm profile information, enter a new password, and confirm password
  7. Select "Continue"
  8. Confirm additional profile information such as personal questions, role, products
  9. Select "Done"

Steelroads Sponsoring Railroads Contact List

Event Sighting Code List

For more FAQs, please see the Steelroads User Guide.